Medical Air

Bhartiya Medicare supplies the Medical Air system at 4 bars and 7 bar working pressure to work in patient room, OT , Critical Care unit etc.. We supply air with 60 PDP dry and also fix Hepa filter, AO, AA, ACS and MS/WS filter in input line both for medical equipment and use by patient system air travel in two different separate pipe line having pressure 4 bars and seven bar separately. We provide online air system with Oil free compressor and with all specific safety precautions as per NFPA all gas outlet will be different for MRI, CT Scan , OT and general and special wards.

Medical Air refers to a clean supply of compressed air used in hospitals and healthcare facilities to distribute medical gas. It is free of contamination and particles, has no oil or odors, and is dry to prevent water buildup in your facility’s pipeline.

When a patient is in the operating room, whether it’s an emergency or not, a surgeon relies on a medical air to keep the patient comfortable and breathing. Medical air sources shall be connected to the medical air distribution system only and shall be used only for air in the application of human respiration and calibration of medical devices for respiratory application.
